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Collectopia - As minhas colecções - Trading Card Games - YuGiOh TCG Standard Series

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Fullsets Completas - Structure Decks:

Rokket Revolt
Wave of Light
Order of the Spellcasters

Fullsets Completas - Sneak Peek:

Judgement of the Light

Fullsets Completas - Outros:

Legendary Hero Decks - Vídeo/Checklist

Fullsets Completas - Special Editions:

Storm of the Ragnarok

Fullsets Completas - Promo Cards:

Duel Power

Sets por completar - Boosters:

Stardust Overdrive
Mystic Fighters
Cybernetic Horizon
Code of the Duelist
Spirit Warriors
Dark Saviors
Power of the Duelist
Infinite Chasers
Duel Power
Rising Rampage (Unlimited Edition)
Metal Raiders (PT-BR - Predadores Metálicos)
Metal Raiders (Inglês)
Judgement of the Light (Unlimited Edition)
Flames of Destruction
Fists of the Gadgets
Pendulum Evolution
Circuit Break
Legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon (PT-BR A Lenda do Dragão Branco de Olhos Azúis)
Savage Strike
Dark Neostorm
Shining Victories

Sets por completar - Legendary Duelists:

4 - Sisters of the Rose
5 - Immortal Destiny

Sets por completar - Duelist Packs:


Sets por completar - Structure Decks:

Powercode Link

Sets por completar - Battle Packs:

1: Epic Dawn (Francês - Battle Pack 1: L'Aube Épique)

Sets por completar - Tin Promo Cards:

Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste

Sets por completar - Hidden Arsenal:

5 - Steelswarm Invasion

Sets por completar - Special Editions:

Cybernetic Horizon

Sets por completar - Tin Mega Pack

2019 Gold Sarcophagus

Sets por completar - Movie Packs

The Dark Side of the Dimensions

Sets por completar - Battles of Legend

Relentless Revenge

Sets por completar - OTS Packs

OTS Pack 8 (PT-BR)

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